Looping Statements

 Looping Statements or Iterative Statements

  • These are used to run the set of statements repeatedly.
  • Here the statements run repeatedly until the given condition is false.
  • We need to write a proper condition so that the loop runs finite number of times.

Types of loops:

  1. while
  2. do-while
  3. for
  4. foreach

1)while loop:

  • Here the loop executes until the given condition is false.
  • The Initialization / declaration can be done at anywhere before the loop.



//statements which are needed to be execute



2)do-while loop:

  • Here the statements are executes atleast one time , even the given condition is false.
  • It is exit control loop whereas for,while are entry control loops.



//statements which are needed to be execute


3)for loop:

  • Here the number of Iterations can be known.
  • Here the initialization , Declaration , Condition , Increment / Decrement are present a single place.
  • We can place multiple Declarations , Increments / Decrements by palcing , (camma).


for(initialization/Declaration ; condition ; Increment/Decrement){

//statements which are needed to be execute repeated times


4)foreach loop:

  • It is used on objects.
  • Here the values contain all values inside the object for each iteration.
  • This can be used in arrays,lists...


for(variableName : objectName){

//statements which are need to be execute



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